
Another Look at Job-Searching Websites in Japan

Today I thought we would take another look at job searching websites. I had an article about looking for jobs in Japan on here before, where I introduced a few websites. Today I thought we would take a closer look at a few select websites. The effectiveness of such websites will vary from person to person, so please don’t take these as my definite recommendations. If you are looking to get hired in a specific field (IT for example), then you might want to look for a website that specifically caters to the IT industry. But if you are looking for general job offers or simply have not decided which industry you would like to work in, then the following websites are definitely a good place to start. 


1.           Indeed (インディード) → https://jp.indeed.com/?r=us

First and foremost, yes, Indeed is a Japanese website. If you are looking for jobs in Japan, Japanese Language skills will almost certainly be required, so expect available job offers to be in Japanese too. Indeed is a useful website, more of a search engine, really, that allows you to search with keywords, by salary and much more. It will then search other websites for available positions matching what you put in and will display them in a fashion akin to search engines that we know and love. While you can register and upload your CV and other documents to Indeed, it is almost not worth it because the job that you are interested in is most likely not offered by Indeed, but by a different website. Instead, think of Indeed more like a website akin to Google’s search engine, just limited to job offers.


2.           Daijob (ダイジョブ)→ https://www.daijob.com/en/

If you are looking for English-speaking jobs, or at least want the searching and application process to be in English, you are most likely going to come across Daijob. As mentioned in my earlier article, Jobs that do not require any Japanese language skills are most likely going to involve English teaching, so if that is not up your alley than you are going to struggle to find work if you cannot speak Japanese at all. If you can speak Japanese but are just not confident enough yet to search and apply for work in Japanese, then Daijob might be the right place for you. Having said that, even though the website is in English, many jobs still require you to have Japanese Language Proficiency (JLPT) of at least N2, often N1. Some jobs are even targeted at English-speaking Japanese, rather than Japanese-speaking foreigners for some reason. But in general, you will be able to find many companies looking for foreign talent on Daijob.


3.           Everything else

There are numerous websites offerings jobs, companies post jobs on their own websites, advertise them at job fairs and so on and so forth. Do not think that nothing is available for you, just because nothing comes up on Indeed or Daijob. Networking is important, if you know the right people at the right time, getting a job might be a breeze for some people. Be flexible, keep an open mind and most importantly: do not give up. If you can’t find a job in Tokyo or Osaka, maybe try searching for a job in the countryside. If you can’t land an IT job, maybe think about starting with normal office work. Wanting to work in Japan and then expecting conditions to be the same as in one’s home country is a dangerous path that leads to drinking strong zeroes and posting snarky comments about Japan on social media.

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